Ten minutes of jump rope is equivalent to 30 minutes of running

Jumping rope, an activity long associated with childhood fun, is also a great addition to the athletic performance of people of all ages.

A recent study published in the renowned Journal of Sports Science revealed that this seemingly simple activity goes far beyond innocent play: it's a true boost for strength, speed, and agility, and it can even enhance the fitness of long-distance runners.

When adopting the practice of rope jumping into your routine, it's crucial to understand the importance of performing the exercises correctly. The ideal method starts gradually, progressively increasing the intensity and duration of jumps based on individual conditioning.

Setting a reasonable goal of jumping rope for 10 minutes a day, three times a week, is a path to achieving fitness comparable to about 30 minutes of running, with the advantage of minimizing joint impact.

But it's important to remember that the exact comparison can vary depending on various factors, including the intensity of the exercise, individual fitness level, and the technique used. Both activities, jumping rope and running, can be excellent forms of cardiovascular exercise.

The diversity of movements during practice is a secret to maximizing benefits. Alternating between single-foot jumps, both feet together, crossing the rope, or doing twists also helps tone essential muscles, including legs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms.

Additionally, jumping rope enhances motor coordination, agility, balance, and rhythm. Not least, the activity releases endorphins, hormones that generate a pleasant sense of well-being and relieve stress.

It's crucial to note that this practice is not limited by age but should be avoided by those suffering from joint, knee, or back problems and those who are overweight.

Using appropriate shoes with good cushioning and opting for a flat, soft surface are essential measures to minimize the risk of injuries. Warming up before and stretching after jumps contributes to keeping the body prepared and healthy.

How did the practice of jumping rope originate?

The practice of jumping rope, surprisingly, is much older than one might imagine. Although there is no precise recorded origin, some studies suggest it may have emerged in Egypt and China as a technique for braiding ropes more quickly.

Other theories point to its creation in medieval Europe, where the activity was meant to entertain children. Regardless of its origin, jumping rope has evolved and flourished over the centuries.

The revolution occurred in the 1970s in the United States when this practice transcended its form of entertainment and became a legitimate sport, with the creation of various competitions and modalities.

Today, jump rope is enjoyed worldwide as a high-impact physical activity, in addition to being fun.

World Records in Jump Rope

According to the Guinness Book, the British athlete Pete Thompson set the record for the most jumps in one hour in 2019, with an incredible 13,783 jumps.

Japanese athlete Hijiki Ikuyama established the record for the most jumps in one minute in 2016, with an impressive 369 jumps.

On July 17, 2023, a young Japanese man named Kirato Hitaka made history by breaking the world record for the most revolutions in a single jump rope jump.

He managed to turn the rope eight times in a single jump, surpassing the previous record of seven, which was shared by four people. This impressive feat took place in Yamaguchi, Japan.

Hitaka said he started jumping rope as a child because he was bad at it. He dedicated himself to improving his skill and became passionate about the sport.

He is also a member of a soccer club but continues to jump rope every day as a form of training and enjoyment.

The video of Hitaka's record went viral on social media and has over 36 million views. Many people praised the Japanese athlete's performance and were amazed by his speed and coordination.

Some even tried to imitate the feat but without success. You can watch the record video [here] and see if you can do the same. Good luck!

Image: Pexels

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