6 tips for those who want to start cycling and make cycling a new hobby

The first thing - which is obvious and also important - is, don't give up! Many people start a sport or gym workout with excitement and forget that they need time to adapt. At first it's boring, your body will be sore, but that's part of the evolution to gain physical conditioning.

So, remember: most of the time you will not be motivated to exercise and spend energy, after all, our body wants to save it as much as possible, but you are the one who controls your mind, so read the tips below and prepare your body for a more active lifestyle.

  1. Start by buying a bicycle that's right for you.

If you really want to put this sport in your life, it is necessary that you make use of a bicycle suitable for your height from the beginning, this avoids injuries and possible discomfort when pedaling. When you feel uncomfortable, you may have the impression that cycling is not for you, so - ask for help if you don't understand which bicycle is ideal for you.


  1. Don't forget the safety equipment

Even for a beginner, safety equipment like goggles and a helmet are important to maintain your well-being: you don't want to get hurt in the first few days or months. And don't forget to wear sunscreen, as this is an outdoor sport.

  1. Go slow

Don't be in a hurry to ride long distances at first. Understand that your body needs to adapt over time, so give it time. Pretty soon you'll be cycling 20km - 30km. But first, do your cycling on your street around a few blocks, repeat the course several times until your body gets used to it, after that - change for a little bit longer course.

  1. Practice on level streets before heading uphill

Believe me: the ascents, however short or steep they are, will leave you discouraged because of the exhaustion and tiredness that you will feel in your legs. For this reason, start pedaling for 10 minutes on level roads that you know. Do this for a week, then look for a path that has a small slope, train yourself to climb the small slopes as well for about a week and continue on to get used to them.

  1. Look for situations that encourage you to pedal

  • Cycling lets you go further and faster;

  • You can visit new places, beautiful landscapes and at the same time stay in shape;

  • Get inspired by someone who has the same goals as you;

  • Read about it;


  • Understand more about cycling, even if it's just a hobby;

  • Realize your evolution;

  • Get enough sleep to feel refreshed, this is very important for anyone who wants to ride a bicycle;

  • Schedule your day;

  • Choose new places to practice and enjoy;

  • Ride a bicycle every week so you don't lose conditioning.

  1. Don't forget to eat well and drink plenty of water.

As you start with the streets, neighborhoods and bicycle lanes close to your home, don't skip hydration - our body loses liquid during the process, and one thing you don't want is to feel sick!

An adequate diet, without the consumption of ultra-processed, fatty and sugar-rich foods, will help you build the rhythm and willingness to want to continue.

Image: Pexels


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