5 fail-proof tips to overcome the plateau effect and achieve incredible health results

The plateau effect is a common phenomenon in various areas of life, especially in relation to weight loss, physical fitness, muscle gain, and increased aerobic endurance, for example. It is when you reach a point where your progress seems to no longer advance, even if you continue to work hard, exercise regularly, and follow a healthy diet.

Several reasons can trigger the plateau effect and, when we refer to the physical aspect, metabolism is one of the first to show stagnation: which means it burns fewer calories at rest than when you started the diet. Additionally, the person may have reached a point where their body is so comfortable with the current weight that it no longer wants to lose as much fat.

Therefore, to overcome this phase, it is necessary to make some changes in the exercise and diet routine. It is important to try to adjust calorie and macros intake so that the body continues to burn fat and gain muscle. This includes increasing the amount of protein, decreasing carbohydrate consumption, or adding thermogenic foods to the diet.

It is noteworthy that the plateau effect is normal and part of the growth process. In fact, it is a sign that you are getting close to your maximum potential, but there is still a little more work to be done for you to reach the next level.


Well, here are some specific tips that will help you overcome the plateau effect:

  1. Vary your exercises: When you do the same exercises repeatedly, your body adapts and eventually stops challenging itself. Try changing your workout - experiment with new types of physical activity, vary the time and rest between them.

  1. Increase the load: If you're already following a regular exercise routine, it may be time to increase the intensity. This means picking up a little more weight, doing fewer or more repetitions, changing the duration of the exercise, or the frequency of training.

  1. Adjust your diet: This will help increase your metabolism. Try rearranging your food portions or swapping some foods for healthier products. Also, consider adding lean proteins to your diet as they help build muscle mass and burn fat.

  1. Monitor your progress: Keep a record of your performance, such as your body measurements, weight, or exercise results. This should determine whether your workout and diet are working or need to be adjusted.

  1. Rest enough: Rest is important to allow your muscles to recover and rebuild. If you used to sleep 6 hours a night, start sleeping for at least 7 hours and add rest days during the week to allow your body to fully recover.

The plateau effect can be a tough phase to overcome, but by following these tips, you will surely continue to move towards the results you desire. Remember that it's normal to face obstacles along the way, and what matters is how you work to overcome them.


Image: Internet

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