Journaling can be the solution to safeguarding your mental health

Have you ever thought about keeping a diary as a way to take care of your mental health?

This practice, called journaling, involves regularly recording your thoughts and feelings with the aim of expressing your emotions, reflecting on your experiences, and seeking greater self-awareness.

The technique is a widely used tool in psychotherapy and coaching.

Scientific studies show that writing about stressful or traumatic events can significantly reduce the negative impact of these situations on physical and emotional health.

According to psychologist Jeremy Sutton, author of the book "The Journaling Life: 21 Types of Journals You Can Create to Express Yourself and Record Pieces of Your Life," journaling can help:

- Manage anxiety

- Reduce stress

- Deal with depression

- Prioritize issues, fears, and concerns

- Track symptoms daily to recognize triggers and learn ways to control them

- Provide an opportunity for positive self-dialogue and identify negative thoughts and behaviors.

Furthermore, journaling can enhance perception and awareness of events, regulate emotions, and stimulate creativity. By writing about your feelings, you can free yourself from the cycle of obsessive thoughts that can harm your well-being.

For psychologist Saima Latif, a specialist in cognitive-behavioral therapy, journaling is a way to access deeper emotions and accept them without judgment. She explains that although the act of writing can be distressing at times, clients report finding value and meaning in this process. "Writing about painful experiences can facilitate trauma resolution and promote healing," she says.

How to journal for better mental health

There are no fixed rules about what to write in your journal. You can use questions as inspiration, for example: How do I feel today? What made me happy or sad? What are my dreams and goals? What am I grateful for?

You can also use other creative writing techniques, such as making lists, writing letters, creating poems, drawing, or pasting images. The important thing is that you feel comfortable expressing yourself.

Try to write every day; this will help you establish the habit of journaling regularly. Having a pen and paper always on hand makes the process easier.

You can also use an app on your smartphone or a document on your computer. Write or draw whatever you feel like. Your diary doesn't need to follow any specific structure. It's your private space to express and create whatever you want.

Let the words and ideas flow freely without worrying about spelling errors or what others might think; after all, you don't need to share your diary with anyone.

There are various ways to journal, depending on your goals and style. For example, you can keep a gratitude journal, where you record things you're thankful for in your life. Or you can maintain a goals journal, where you set your objectives and track your progress.

You can also have a creative journal where you write poems, stories, letters, or any other literary genre you enjoy. But to get the best results, make sure to:

- Relax and meditate every day

- Eat a balanced and healthy diet

- Exercise regularly

- Get a good night's sleep

- Avoid alcohol and drugs

This way, you can get to know yourself better, understand your fears, thoughts, and innermost feelings. Give it a try and see how journaling can transform your mental health.

Image: Canva

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